Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Center for Book Arts and IPCNY

This week the class went down to Chelsea.
We visited the Center for Book Arts, located at West 27th Street. This place is amazing! I'm so happy we went there. I really love book arts. Our tour guide was very informative. She ld us about all the programs available in the studio such as artist memberships, residencies, and studio rentals. They also have classes there that teach you about letterpress and various bookmaking techniques.
They have a really great show going on there as well. They had a bunch of prints and articles having to do with Occupy Wall Street. They also have an exhibition of the book artist Kumi Korf, who's work is really beautiful.
This is definitely a place I would like to visit again, and hopefully one day work in!

Our next stop was the International Print Center New York, or IPCNY, located at West 26th Street. 
This was another great place. Unlike the previous stop, IPCNY is not a studio, just a gallery. Their current show is their New Prints 2012/Autumn show. The show was very well put together and included work of all types of printmaking. It's really amazing to see work from all over the world, from all different skill levels, all placed in one show.
That's the best thing about IPCNY. They accept applications from everyone for their shows, giving everyone an equal opportunity, which is hard to come by in the art world.

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