Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bettina's Collection

Again, this is a super long collection, so I'll just write about certain links that get a reaction out of me.

  • http://losmuroshablan.wordpress.com/artistas/
    • Even though it's written in spanish, they have some really beautiful work. It's really interesting how long murals have been a part of of spanish-speaking culture.
  • http://sofiamaldonado.com/
    • I'm not a huge fan of all of her work, but I really enjoyed seeing her murals that were more abstracted. For example, LA COMERCIAL and her mural in Gowanus.
  • http://www.la-pandilla.com/
    • For some reason I'm not too fond of this work. I love super detailed drawings of animals and everything,  but something just isn't doing it for me here. Maybe it's the combination of different animals.
  • http://www.whokilledbambi.co.uk/
    • I just want to point out how awful the layout of this website is. Seriously, it's terrible. And it seems like a collection of work and various things for/from very angsty people.
  • Resurrection of Diner
    • So I'm very upset about this. After the Book Fair, I was standing outside of this place and didn't know anything was special about it. If I knew I definitely would have gone in to eat!
  • Aliene de Souza Howell
    • I'm in love with this installation. Her illustrations are beautiful and the way she created depth and space on the flat wall is amazing.

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