Monday, December 3, 2012

Kristian's Collection

It was really refreshing to see a collection that had pretty much nothing to do with art.

  • Chronocolor
    • I REALLY want to see this. I need to find a link of it streaming somewhere, or get my hands on it some other way. I don't care how, I just want to watch it!
  • Georgia O'Keeffe
    • Again, I really want to see this! Maybe I'll get the guts to drive to/in NJ to see it... maybe...
    • This is great! I like how they don't just have big name shows on the front page and you don't have to dig around for lesser known bands. Now all I need is money to go to some of these
  • Feliz Navidad!
    • Oh my God. This is too great. The longer you watch it the funnier it gets. I love this. Best link given in any collection!

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