Monday, December 3, 2012

Elena's Collection

This is a really long collection, so I'm just going to write about what really caught my attention

  • The Finer Points of David Rees
    • I really can't tell if this is serious or not. If it's not then I applaud him. If it is, he needs to get over himself. They're just pencils. Stop it.
      But from 9:50 on was actually pretty funny. I usually use mechanical pencils so he would hate me.
  • Green Mile Experiment
    • This is really interesting! I personally would never be able to watch a movie without actually watching the movie. But I constantly watch movies without any background knowledge. It make it more interesting.
  • Art Genome Project
    • This is so cool. I'm constantly using pandora and looking at art blogs. So naturally I would want to combine the two. I'm currently waiting for my invitation to I really hope it is as cool as I think it is!
    • His work is fantastic. I love it!
  • Lil Bub
    • I'm really happy that my grumpy cat link started a cat trend. Lil Bub is my second favorite cat on the internet. I love his face. I had a picture of him as my desktop for like a month.

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