Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jacqueline's Collection

    • This artist makes some really beautiful dolls. I've always wanted to learn how to make dolls like this, but, I'm incompetent when it comes to sewing anything more than a few stitches. So, I really admire who ever has the skill and patience to make these 
  • Adventures with Ziggy
    • Ok, so I completely understand having a fan blog for anything. I also completely understand weird obessions, But, I think this girl takes it to an extreme. She actually carries this doll around places, like work, and takes pictures with it. Also, the picture of the doll in the car... with a seatbelt on... really?
    • This is definitely one of my favorite web comics. I think my all time favorite is Poe and Verne. 
The personalities for both authors are spot on and the situation is just ridiculous. 

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